for the women who flew in the face of opposition. who often risked their lives to document plant species unknown to the western world. who worked tirelessly to document, press and preserve, only to have their names erased from History. this is the beginning of what I hope will be a long series to honor early women botanists and shine more light on their many valuable contributions.

She Was There

She was there

carefully gathering,

showing reverence,

honoring the land.

They dismissed her hand,

her presence,

denied her the title of Botanist,

denied her the honor and acknowledgement 

of Naming or being Named.

She gathered specimens 

quietly in the desert.

Scarlet Ladies Tresses, 

Pott’s Mammillaria,

Nipple Cactus, 

they’d come to be known

but not by her Naming

not reflecting her wisdom or 

hours spent under the hot desert sun.

John Potts

John Bigelow

Jane Doe

all text and drawings copyright of jennifer young


San Cristobal Baja